Lösungen Folium¶
+Exercise 1: Create a map¶
Create a map with the coordinates of your hometown, or your favorite city (Braunschweig does not count as a solution). Save your Solution in the variable my_map
Adjust the zoom_start parameter so that your place is visible in the center. To find out which coordinates your place has you can use the online tool latlong.net.
+Use CartoDB Positron as tileset.
+Set the prefer_canvas parameter to True.
+Also please add your city as a comment.
+In case of problems, please check the Folium API Map object.
+# Your City: Gifhorn
+my_map = folium.Map(
+ location=(52.485291, 10.547030),
+ tiles='cartodb positron',
+ zoom_start=13,
+ prefer_canvas=True
+ )
2.1: Defining a Tooltip¶
Define a tooltip variable named tooltip
with the text More about TU Braunschweig
tooltip = "More about TU Braunschweig"
2.2: Defining a Popup¶
Define a popup object with HTML text named tu_popup_html
and the TU BS Logo.
Address: Universitätspl. 2, 38106 Braunschweig
+ +You can also use the Template from the Explanation.
+You can find a HTML reference here. If you write better in Markdown I recommend the following converter and this Markdown reference.
+tu_popup_html = folium.Popup(
+ '''
+ <p>
+ <img
+ src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/Siegel_TU_Braunschweig_transparent.svg/1200px-Siegel_TU_Braunschweig_transparent.svg.png"
+ alt="TU BS Logo"
+ height="100"
+ >
+ </p>
+ <p><strong>Universitätspl. 2</strong></p>
+ <p><em>38106 Braunschweigg</em></p>
+ <p><small>Germany, DE</small></p>
+ <p>Visit: <a href="https://www.tu-bs.de/">tu-bs.de</a> </p>
+ ''',
+ show=False
2.3 Defining an Icon¶
Next, a red icon named tu_icon
should be defined.
The color for the glyphicon should be a gray hexcode that you can choose freely. To make the color selection easier you can use the Color Picker.
+As glyph, glyphicon-education, should be used.
+tu_icon = folium.Icon(
+ color='red',
+ icon_color='#eeeeee',
+ prefix='glyphicon',
+ icon='glyphicon-education',
+ angle=0
+ )
2.4 Defining a Marker¶
All previously created objects should now be combined into one marker named tu_bs_marker
As the location data use (52.273460, 10.529231)
tu_bs_marker = folium.Marker(
+ location=(52.273460, 10.529231),
+ popup=tu_popup_html,
+ tooltip=tooltip,
+ icon=tu_icon
+ )
m = folium.Map(
+ location=(52.274, 10.53),
+ tiles='OpenStreetMap',
+ zoom_start=17,
+ prefer_canvas=False
+ )
Exercise 3: Mapping the Universties in Lower Saxony¶
+3.1: Reading the Dataset¶
The data set for this notebook is unis_nd.csv.
+Read this into the variable df
using the pandas read_csv
(I recommend that you take a look at the data set)
+df = pd.read_csv('unis_nd.csv')
+ | University name | +Type of university | +Sponsorship | +Right of promotion | +Founding year | +Number of students | +Address | +lat | +lon | +plz | +pic | +
0 | +Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig | +Artistic university | +public | +yes | +1963 | +976.0 | +Johannes-Selenka-Platz 1 | +52.257738 | +10.502315 | +38118 Braunschweig | +https://www.hbk-bs.de/fileadmin/_processed_/5/... | +
1 | +Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Br... | +University | +public | +yes | +1745 | +17709.0 | +Universitätspl. 2 | +52.273550 | +10.530097 | +38106 Braunschweig | +https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons... | +
3.2: Defining the Map¶
Before we plot the dataset, define a map with the name lower_saxony
- The location should be the georaphic centre of Lower Saxony in Wehrenberg 27318 Hoyerhagen
(52.806390, 9.135110)
+ - Use a suitable tileset from the documentation +
- Use a suitable zoom setting +
lower_saxony = folium.Map(
+# Georaphical centre Point of Lower Saxony Wehrenberg 27318 Hoyerhagen
+ location=(52.806390, 9.135110),
+ tiles='OpenStreetMap',
+ zoom_start=7
+ )
Detour Factory Functions¶
+def popup_factory(adr: str, zipc: str, country: str, pic: str):
+ html = '''
+ <p><img src="{}" width="300px" height="auto"></p>
+ <p><strong>{}</strong></p>
+ <p><em>{}</em></p>
+ <p><small>{}</small></p>
+ '''.format(pic, adr, zipc, country)
+ return folium.Popup(html)
def icon_factory(is_public=True):
+ icon = folium.Icon(
+ color='black' if is_public else 'white',
+ icon_color = 'white' if is_public else 'black',
+ icon='glyphicon-home'
+ )
+ return icon
def marker_factory(loc, popup, is_public=True):
+ std_tooltip = 'Click for more information'
+ std_icon = icon_factory(is_public)
+ return folium.Marker(loc, popup=popup,
+ icon=std_icon, tooltip=std_tooltip)
3.3 Plotting the Dataset¶
Write a for loop which reads the values from the dataset df
and add the markers to the map lower_saxony
using the already defined functions popup_factory
and marker_factory
for index, row in df.iterrows():
+ pp = popup_factory(
+ adr=row['Address'],
+ zipc=row['plz'],
+ country='Germany, DE',
+ pic=row['pic'],
+ )
+ location = (float(row['lat']), float(row['lon']))
+ is_public = False
+ if row['Sponsorship'] == 'public':
+ is_public = True
+ marker = marker_factory(location, pp, is_public)
+ marker.add_to(lower_saxony)