import { P } from './Squaremap.js'; import { SquaremapTileLayer } from './SquaremapTileLayer.js'; class LayerControl { constructor() { this.layers = new Map(); } init() { this.currentLayer = 0; this.updateInterval = 60; this.playersLayer = new L.LayerGroup(); = "players_layer"; this.controls = L.control.layers({}, {}, { position: 'topleft', sortLayers: true, sortFunction: (a, b) => { return a.order - b.order; } }) .addTo(; } addOverlay(name, layer, hide) { this.controls.addOverlay(layer, name); if (this.shouldHide(layer, hide) !== true) { layer.addTo(; } } removeOverlay(layer) { this.ignoreLayer = layer; this.controls.removeLayer(layer); layer.remove(); this.ignoreLayer = null; } shouldHide(layer, def) { const value = window.localStorage.getItem(`hide_${}`); return value == null ? def : value === 'true'; } hideLayer(layer) { if (layer != this.ignoreLayer) { window.localStorage.setItem(`hide_${}`, 'true'); } } showLayer(layer) { if (layer != this.ignoreLayer) { window.localStorage.setItem(`hide_${}`, 'false'); } } setupTileLayers(world) { // setup the map tile layers // we need 2 layers to swap between for seamless refreshing if (this.tileLayer1 != null) {; } if (this.tileLayer2 != null) {; } this.tileLayer1 = this.createTileLayer(world); this.tileLayer2 = this.createTileLayer(world); // refresh player's control this.removeOverlay(this.playersLayer); if (world.player_tracker.show_controls) { this.addOverlay(world.player_tracker.label, this.playersLayer, world.player_tracker.default_hidden); } this.playersLayer.order = world.player_tracker.priority; this.playersLayer.setZIndex(world.player_tracker.z_index); } createTileLayer(world) { return new SquaremapTileLayer(`tiles/${}/{z}/{x}_{y}.png`, { tileSize: 512, minNativeZoom: 0, maxNativeZoom: world.zoom.max, errorTileUrl: 'images/clear.png' }).addTo( .addEventListener("load", () => { // when all tiles are loaded, switch to this layer this.switchTileLayer(); }); } updateTileLayer() { // redraw background tile layer if (this.currentLayer == 1) { this.tileLayer2.redraw(); } else { this.tileLayer1.redraw(); } } switchTileLayer() { // swap current tile layer if (this.currentLayer == 1) { this.tileLayer1.setZIndex(0); this.tileLayer2.setZIndex(1); this.currentLayer = 2; } else { this.tileLayer1.setZIndex(1); this.tileLayer2.setZIndex(0); this.currentLayer = 1; } } } export { LayerControl };